Accident Prone is the nickname I give myself or rather felicitate myself as the MOST ACCIDENT PRONE AWARD WINNER. Since the time I remember , I have always  had adventurous encounters close to fatal . God has always saved me and brought me back and here I am narrating my stories.

Did you know? I was barely two years old when I fell from a stool and had a deep cut on my chin  and of course a few stitches did the trick. I am sure most of you would have had a similar encounter. This was just the beginning to my journey of some near miss accidents.
During my kindergarten days , one evening I was playing outside my house with my friends. Some extra smart lad threw a stone to pluck the beautiful kadam flower from the tree and the stone fell straight on my head . Before anyone could blink an eye , there I was on the floor in a pool of blood. Mom and dad rushed me to the hospital and again I had five stitches to mend my split head. Guess that’s why I am a little weird , hahaha just kidding.
Tumbling & Falling Not a day passed without me getting a scratch or a bruise on my knees , elbows or forehead. I have been coping up all my life with the tumbling and falling . You could perpetually see me with bandages or band aids . But I wouldn’t stop any of my extra curricular activities of sports or playing my favorite basketball or go for my mountain climbing.
Chemistry lab fiasco Years passed by and nothing major happened so mom was so relieved that the jinx had passed . Did she say it too soon? In the Chemistry lab , the girl standing next to me was so clumsy that she threw the slightly cracked test tube and yours truly faced the brunt. The test tube contained a mixture of concentrated sulphuric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid and it splashed all over my face, neck and  shoulder. I was screaming and my teacher instantly poured the bottle of alkaline solution on the wounds . Then they rushed me to the hospital. Though the anxiety lasted a while, luckily I was healed in a few months. Thanks to my teacher’s presence of mind , that today I am hale and hearty.
Was the accident spree over? Ah ha no no , not so soon!  I used to go to college in a two wheeler. One day when I was walking to my class from the parking lot,  I noticed my classmate riding a bike and doing the wheely. As luck would have it , the super brilliant boy lost control and up came the bike on the foothpath where I was walking and hit me straightaway. Due to the impact I landed a few 100m away. The next thing I knew was, I was in the hospital and I was told I have had a head injury. There you go, my parents were petrified , but I did come out of this too after 5- 6 months.
Did the spell go ? After my marriage everyone thought this spell would get over . Really ???How could I let go of my nickname Accident Prone? After a few weeks of my marriage, I tried my hand at cooking . I opened the lid of the pressure cooker and burnt my hand due to the steam. Blisters covered my hand in few seconds. The visit to the doctor was inevitable. The mehendi with blisters wasn’t a great feeling. Thanks to my go-getter spirit , I learnt cooking ,tried every cuisine and today I can proudly brag about my culinary skills.
Negligence due to multitasking. Time passed , and my small injuries and accidents kept continuing until one day I almost lost my finger to a hand mixer. This time it wasn’t ignorance, it was my negligence due to multitasking. Again stitches galore and back to some aches and pains.
Oops another one …. Then comes a car accident, where our car was hit straight on the door of the passenger side by another car. I am sure you all guessed it right ! I was sitting  on the passenger seat. My leg went straight into the dash board and I hurt my arm badly. I thought it was a minor accident . I realized soon that  this  was a very major one. The doctors did a surgery to fix all the broken bones  and torn muscles. They implanted  rods and screws to get me back on my feet . I was on bed for more than six months . During this period , I learnt to count my blessings and  stop cribbing for small petty things. Now I have learnt  to accept life with all the problems and overcome the challenges with a pinch of salt.
Did you spare the bones and ligaments These are a few of the excerpts of my journey through my accidents .I can keep narrating stories of all the mishaps I have gone through but it would be a never ending tale. I haven’t spared a single ligament, muscle or bone. Everything has been mended and reconstructed. My family members have been  a great support in getting me back on my feet  after each of my major accidents.
I am a winner I have realized that only if you have the will and zeal to overcome the obstacles you will succeed. No one else can help you come out of it.  So I can definitely pat myself on the back for my willpower and positivity. I am still strong ,happening and I do all chores . As much as I was advised not to venture into strenuous activities , I continue to enjoy dancing, trekking and climbing mountains. In short, never ever give up , keep trying and you will definitely get up and go to greater heights. I shared these episodes so that no one would ever give up and sit down dejected . Get up and fight like a warrior,  I did it and I can proudly say I am definitely a winner not accident prone..   
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2 Replies to “ACCIDENT PRONE”

  1. One’s physical well being is driven by a strong mind to get well. The mind’s will to resurge from an ailment is the best therapy or medicine. Medicines and therapies are not effective on a weak mind. So, I like what you say ” Never give up”
    God Bless and stay safe all…..

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