Woman – A Goddess? Isn’t it time to think about this question. Do not worship me , just acknowledge ME !

Goddesses have been linked with virtues such as beauty , love , motherhood and fertility. The sacred female figure holds a central place in religious prayer and worship. Shakti is the goddess of fierce feminine force . As I have already mentioned in my earlier blog about Navratri and Navdurgas , the Goddess is the source of power, valour and a symbol of righteousness & divinity. From  mythology & legends we have been educated that they are immortal and we worship them.
Woman – a goddess? is a symbol of Shakti. This is what is commonly tutored to the minds of human race. As a woman I would want to throw light on the real women. As a woman I cry, I laugh, I even scream sometimes, behave unreasonably at other times , enjoy the small things of life. I am a mortal living human being and definitely have my flaws  . On one hand, woman is equated to Shakti and the very next moment the girl child is killed as a fetus, young brides are burnt alive for dowry or girls raped for revenge. We the womenfolk are not an object for sure. We do not want to be  idolized or victimized on the mere whims and fancies of the pseudos.
It is always quoted that today’s women hold leading positions in all professions, be it pilots, scientists, CEOs, judges or police officers . But , still they are only a handful of women whom we can be proud of . Now let’s compare this to the faceless thousands who , after marriage, are still forced to change their surnames and lose their basic identity! Is this a fair deal? There are so many talented women who are educated , accomplished in all walks of life but are compelled to stay home. Aren’t they forced to be anonymous due to the repressive social norms that prevail at large.
You profess to give importance to ‘Ma’ – the mother. If that was truly followed in spirit, then there would not be so many abandoned elderly women in old-age homes. Even today, there are unacceptable social norms pertaining to treatment of widows. They are not allowed to be part of social joyous occasions because they are considered ‘inauspicious’. What is their fault in widowhood? At these times, one feels like questioning society at large – Where is the ‘Shakti’ that you profess to revere? I am not speaking about a century. Even in today’s time widow remarriage is still a taboo in many households , across all classes and economic strata of society. So where is this so-called ‘Equality’?
I am not trivializing the achievements made by women , nor am I wanting to ignore the silent  contribution of the millions of women homemakers. As women we are not asking to be worshipped as Goddesses. Rather treat us as an equal human being with love, affection and dignity . We have the right to share the same space in this mortal society. Respect women for their strength and courage, for their positivity, for their achievements, talents,  for their individuality – in short for what they ARE!

Do we still want to be called Woman – A goddess ? Absolutely a big No. My take away message to all women would be – Always be the heroine of your life and never the victim.

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7 Replies to “WOMAN – A GODDESS ?”

  1. Awesome Upadhriti….We as Women want to be acknowledged for ourselves !!

    Atleast this society needs to treat us as Humans ….give us equal rights…I m sure many of Women readers would agree to this and fight for themselves….Love you for this…look forward to more of such Inspiring thoughts………..

  2. From the “Womb to the Tomb” a man is connected to a Woman. Or rather interconnected I should say…..

    Hey Woman you are more than man….. She holds the He within herself ….
    You are not the Other when you are a Mother…
    Because the Maa is unique ….

    Why the discrimination? All such discriminations created by Human.
    Great thought and a well written blog creating awareness.
    Surely Upadhriti has dedicated this for all the Women. Best Wishes


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