Live life as if there is no tomorrow! Why am I saying this ? There is a very famous Bollywood song, “khaali haath aaye they hum , khaali haath jaayenge” …which means we came to this world empty handed and will leave empty handed. Then what is it that one is always cribbing about ? 

The jealousy, ego , greed , one upmanship that  is so common in every human . What did I bring with me for which people are fighting and scheming to grab away things from others. What am I taking back with me , that one is accumulating wealth and more wealth without seeing the consequences. Then why so much of negativity within oneself. 
You don’t feel happy when someone does well or achieves something . It pinches you from inside. A bunch of people get to a negative notation and try ways and means to pull that person down either professionally or personally. This builds a wall with hatred and anger. This in turn spoils a relationship which could have been a beautiful one. 
Money, power , success, importance are all very temporary and short lived. To say the least, this pandemic has shown us the reality of this path ! The so called celebrities and Page3 people are nowhere to be seen in the limelight today. In the end, all one needs is a place which is  6×6 , but all are still fighting to possess more and more . 
Have you ever paused a moment , and thought , is all this hustle bustle even worth the effort ?
On the other hand some people , take it positively and are happy for your achievements and successes and sometimes are instrumental in your growth. These are the people who have understood the key of life. They are the ones who can see the diamond in the coal mine .
Definitely, we do need materialistic things and a decent life style to live in this world . I’m not denying that, nor am I saying that one should live shabbily in very poor conditions. But each one has to have a realistic yardstick to measure what is a decent life style. Be satisfied with it and live life to the fullest as if there is no tomorrow. 

Let us remember this mantra – Live in the Present , Forget the Past which will never come back and Don’t bother about the Future which one isn’t even sure of. So live for this moment and enjoy till it lasts.

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  1. The human mind is complex and never still. It gyrates and generates its own theories. It upto you to converge these gyrations towards POSITIVI”TEA”. Consider yourself inside a huge ball, the ball will not remain calm until you stay still inside. Same analogy applies to life … If the mind is calm the body too remains so.
    The key is therefore to concentrate your mind to be calm, think positive and draw good energy from the universe.
    Be simple, live simple… Enjoy life. It is easy to be happy if you follow simplicity with minimum wants.
    Best Wishes~~~Johnspramod~~~~

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