Tom & Jerry – a couple’s journey can be the best synonym ever attributed to a married couple . They fight like Tom and Jerry but cannot live without each other.  Marriage is full of ups and downs, adventures and incredible memories with the person you love and walk through all the green pastures and the rough terrain .Let me share the secret of my ongoing married life for so many years and still going strong. My experiences might help you change your perception of marriage. It is a myth that marriages have to be all hunky dory, prim and proper . It never works that way. I can already sense the smiling faces of the readers.

My roller coaster ride When I got married, I was a very young girl . Since it was an arranged marriage , my expectations as a young bride were many. I was expecting a typical Bollywood setup of violins playing in the background, roses and diamonds gifted every now and then. Ah ha wasn’t this asking for too much. Indeed !!!

You thought it right. I got nothing of these. My fairytale world came tumbling and crumbling. This is where my husband took control of the situation. He made me understand the difference of a reel world to the real world. I realised that just saying words like I love you and meaning nothing is such a frivolous act. These childish acts are not at all practical in the real world. This was the moment of self examination. Do you want to fight and cry and feel dejected or take a deep breathe and take control of your life as it comes?

My best friend Here was the turning point in my life and a best friend was born in the form of my husband. This man not only is my bestie but my biggest supporter. He has helped me grow in all aspects of my life be it supporting  my career, bussiness  or pursuing my passion. He would never ever interfere with my decisions. Sometimes I wonder , why doesn’t he take a stand. But he gives me all the space to breathe and likewise. I don’t make any decisions for him either. So does this make us a perfect couple? Hahahhahah!!!!!! We’re not perfect by any means, but that is the secret of our relationship.  We have our disagreements, but that comes along with any marriage or for that matter any relationship. You can put it as “We always agree to disagree” .

Opposites yet Similar We hardly had anything in common when we knew each other . He loves coffee and I havent tasted it ever in my life. So we decided to settle on tea. Now both of us drink ‘n’ number of cups of tea a day. I used to be glued to the TV  and  watch cricket matches and he isn’t fond of cricket at all. Now I watch specific matches if time permits and he watches along. He and sweets were inseparable and sweets are a big No No for me. Again, we took a middle path and both of us indulge in a sweet binge occasionally. I am a dancer and he has 2 left feet. He took some formal dance lessons  to dance to my tunes ..pun intended.

What would you call this? Some would call this a Compromise but I would say , Understanding ! There is a very thin line between compromise and understanding , but if you take control of it yourself, then there is no looking back. I would say husband and wife should walk their full life together as if on a railway track holding hands. Only if you walk parallelly like we do , you are together and still on your own. The moment you cross each other’s paths or try to walk on the same drawn line, there would be a disbalance in the relationship and you are bound to fall off the track. That is why its always a sensible decision to give loads of space and accomodate each others thought process freely  . This  is what complements each other and  makes this relationship so beautiful .

Sum up in a nutshell   Let the togetherness in this relationship have some spaces for you to live. Both of you stand together but definitely parallelly , so near and yet so far. Enjoy every joyous moment together and at the same time celebrate your moments in aloneness . Feel the love for one another and connect to the souls but do not let this be a bondage .

As a couple both of us have understood this mantra well and have followed it to the best of our ability till date. Hope Tom & Jerry – A couple’s journey helps you follow your dreams of an excellent happily married life together.

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  1. Wow! Another master creation! You elucidated a Married Life with such literal ease. Weaving through your blog is the excitement of tying the wedding knot or “WEDDING INTO” and the balancing of the wedded life “BEING WEDDED”. All this analogous to a LONG train journey which you commence together. People come n go into your compartment. The journey is so exciting in the beginning, Then weary, monotonous and later wondering about the beauty of the World outside this compartment. The thought of jumping out of the train and enjoy the worldly life is bounded by the Love in the Wedding. The Rails are the Wedded Life, each partner moves, supports and travel with each other, bearing the weight of the train. And as you said each side of the rail cannot do without each other.
    REMEMBER, The excitement is at the peak as we draw closer to our Destination.
    So, Let the journey be exciting throughout.

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